Sunday, April 3, 2011

Who would Yeshua hang with?

It's not who you think. So many "Christians" today think that if you don't wear a three piece suit and have your hair cut in just the right way then you're a sinner. Guess what: they're right. You're also a sinner if you DO wear a three piece suit and have your hair cut just right. You just refuse to believe it. You're like the Pharisees, who refused to accept Yeshua (Jesus) because of the people He "hung" with. Who'd He hang with? Tax collectors. Fishermen. Shepherds. Prostitutes. SAMARITANS! If nobody respected them, you could pretty much bet your life on the fact that He'd be with them. So, who'd He hang with today? Druggies. Prostitutes. Metal heads. Goths. Emos. Why is He always hanging with the people that everybody else considers sinners? Because, He hangs with the people He hung for. The sinners.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Some really cool Christian rock/metal/goth bands I've found

Lot's of Christ's followers listen to secular music. Why? I'd say that it's usually because they can't find bands of the same skill in the Christian world. Well, I've done some looking and found that there ARE many bands that are just as good as the secular rock, metal, and goth bands, but instead of singing about witchcraft, sex, drugs, crime, satanism, etc, these guys are singing about Jesus, the Creator, Bible prophecy, etc. They're bands with great music, and lyrics that we can agree with.
They are:

HB. A modern Christian Metal band from Finland. Most of they're songs are in Finnish, but they've rerecorded many of them into English.
Stryper: A Christian Metal/Rock/Glam Metal band from the 80s-Today.
Bloodgood: An excellent Christian Metal band (also from the 80s).
Whitecross: My personal favorite, they are yet another Christian Metal band from the 80s. Their songs almost always are about what Jesus did for us, and those that aren't are still Bible based.
Daniel Band: A Canadian Christian Rock band from the 70s-80s-90s-Today. They got me started looking at the older Christian bands.
Savior Machine: An amazing modern Christian Goth band, they sing a lot about Bible prophecy.

Admittedly, this is not a lot of bands, but they are the best in my opinion, and checking them out will let you find a lot of other Christian bands in the same genre.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Language of the Universe

I had a thought yesterday... What if the Universe isn't just about Math? I mean, what if it's not just "what works". What if it's actually Language: It works, but it is also amazingly beautiful. I believe that if you can learn to "read" the Language of the Universe there would be almost no end to what you could learn.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Nazis in Batesville.

Okay, so me and the family were on our way home from the park, and I noticed something odd in the car in front of us. Looking closer, I realized the were Swastikas! I pointed them out to my mom, and we freaked about Nazis being in Batesville for a bit. But then I realized, this is America, and not just America, but an American city/town. Of COURSE there's gonna be kids with Swastikas in their car. It's a rebel thing. So, perhaps they weren't Nazis. But then, maybe they were... Who knows? Nothing I can do about it, so I just went on with the day.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

We have two weeks, and then the End begins.

Looks like we've got two weeks, and then *POP* goes the economy. I'm guessing it has something to do with Japan getting hit the way it has been (pray for them... they've been dealing with a lot lately).
Speaking of Japan, because of the earthquakes their nuclear power plants or melting down (or exploding... I've been hearing both, so I don't really know which), and the radiation has gotten into the jet stream. Hello Zombie Apocalypse (note: zombie's are real. They're just not caused by radiation. Google haitian zombies.)
So, the economy crashes and zombies invade... sounds like the perfect time for the Elite to finish setting up their Global Government. With the dollar (and every other currency, for that matter) becoming absolutely worthless, the Elite are going to implement a World Currency (don't know what it'll be called yet... probably rhyme with Euro, like the proposed Amero), and eventually a Mark (possibly immediately), without which you will be unable to buy or sell. This will be the Mark of the Beast spoken of in the Bible. Keep watching.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Working on my Linux skills.

Right now I'm working on mastering the Linux shell. Yeah, shoulda been one of the first things I did. But it wasn't. Anyway, now that I'm absolutely hooked on Linux, I'm gonna need to learn the Shell to get the most out of it. Plus, I plan on building my own distro at some point, and there's no way that's gonna happen if I can't even use the command line.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

From Puppy to Bodhi

For a while now I've been using Puppy Linux, and enjoying it greatly. But today I discovered Bodhi Linux, a Linux operating system similar to Puppy in that it is minimalistic, but differs from it in that Bodhi looks BEAUTIFUL! I like the desktop's that Puppy uses, they're simple, easy to understand at a glance. I love the Enlightenment desktop that Bodhi uses though: It's simple, elegant, and customizable. Also, Bodhi comes prepacked with just the software I'll be using, and there's on and off line help for those that (like me) are not great at installing extra software onto there Linux machines. Yes, I do believe Bodhi will be replacing Puppy as my main OS very soon.
Bodhi Linux Home Page