Friday, March 11, 2011

Animated Villian/Heros, and awesome guitar

 So, today was Friday. That means me, my bros, and my dad sit down and watch a movie. Dad rented "Megamind". XD Just about died with laughter. For those who for some unknown reason have never heard of this hilarious Dreamworks animated movie, it's about a super villain named Megamind, and a super hero named Metro Man. To make a long story short, Metro Man gets sick of heroing, fakes his death, and leaves the Metro City (which Megamind pronounces Metrocity) in the hands of Megamind, our blue big headed "villain". Megamind takes over the city, and then finds that even though he has everything, it's nothing. He misses his old fights with Metro Man. So he creates a new hero, named Tighten (Titan), who decides that hero work is boring, and so becomes a super villain worse than even Megamind. This forces Megamind to become a good guy, and try to save Metro City from Tighten. In the end, he succeeds, takes all of Tightens powers away, becomes the protector of Metro City, and gets the girl. Best of all, I'm pretty sure he pronounces Metro City "Metro City" before it's all finished. Maybe there's hope for him yet.

After watching the movie with my bros and dad, I got on facebook and found that I had been ordered to learn "Cliffs of Dover". I'd never heard of the song before, so I Googled it and found it on YouTube. I'm HOOKED! Here's a link: Cliffs of Dover by Eric Johnson

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