Thursday, March 10, 2011


Hey, thanks for reading my blog. In case you were wondering, yeah, this is gonna be one of those stupid blogs that doesn't really have one focus, but talks about anything and everything the Author (that's me!) feels like. Now that that's out of the way, I'm gonna tell you what I usually feel like writing about:
  • what's going on in the World today.
Oooh, right of the bat we get a big one. Don't worry, I'll try to keep this to a minimum so I don't COMPLETELY bore y'all out there.
  •   tech!
Obviously I'm gonna blog about tech, I AM a geek after all. It'll mostly just be stuff that I come across in my daily Google search (I Google random things, because I have an unsatisfiable hunger to know all things), but every now and then I'll blog about something I'm doing on my laptop, a program I'm writing, website I'm designing, or awesome renewable energy generator I'm building.
  • books.
I absolutely LOVE to read, so you'll probably see a lot of "reviews" on things I've just recently finished. If you like, I'll even check out some books of your choice, and blog about my thoughts on it.
  • movies/tv.
You won't be seeing this one much, because I'm not a huge fan of movies or television. And when I do blog about a movie or tv show, it'll probably either be A) Sci-Fi! (I'm a geek, remember? :]), B) A Martial Arts film/tv show, or C) Something REALLY old that nobody watches anymore.
  • food.
Another one that won't show up often. And when it does, it's gonna be about something southern and boring to most people. Or possibly Mexican food... that's always good.
  • music!
I love music. I love to listen to music, I love to play music, I love to WATCH music (not always an option, but when it is it's AWESOME!). The styles I like the most are: Classical, Christian Rock, Chinese Bamboo Flute, and a few old songs.
  • life.
My life, my family's lives, my Church family's lives, the lives of my friends, my dogs' lives... I'll probably be blogging about life a lot. But then, maybe I won't.
  • the Bible.
I'm a Christian, and proud of it. I enjoy reading my Bible, and like to talk about the things I find in there. Just warning you so you don't get offended.
  • completely random things I find on the Internet.
I find a lot of those.
  • and much, much more.

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