Tuesday, March 15, 2011

We have two weeks, and then the End begins.

Looks like we've got two weeks, and then *POP* goes the economy. I'm guessing it has something to do with Japan getting hit the way it has been (pray for them... they've been dealing with a lot lately).
Speaking of Japan, because of the earthquakes their nuclear power plants or melting down (or exploding... I've been hearing both, so I don't really know which), and the radiation has gotten into the jet stream. Hello Zombie Apocalypse (note: zombie's are real. They're just not caused by radiation. Google haitian zombies.)
So, the economy crashes and zombies invade... sounds like the perfect time for the Elite to finish setting up their Global Government. With the dollar (and every other currency, for that matter) becoming absolutely worthless, the Elite are going to implement a World Currency (don't know what it'll be called yet... probably rhyme with Euro, like the proposed Amero), and eventually a Mark (possibly immediately), without which you will be unable to buy or sell. This will be the Mark of the Beast spoken of in the Bible. Keep watching.

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